Satety is the First Important for Hxchem

Safety is the first thing to considered for HXCHEM.

Commitment of HXCHEM:

A safety environment for our workers:

Eliminate unsafe situations and strive for an accident-free workplace on a daily basis.

Everyone who has agreed to work for HXCHEM implicitly agrees to:

1. Follow safety rules and procedures exactly, and ask questions if job is not understood

2. Be responsible for his/her own safety and the safety of other employees.

3. Report all injuries/incidents to the supervisor or safety within 24 hours no matter how minor.

4. Regard safety as an important part of getting your job done.


Huixin is dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of all employees and visitors in our facility. 

All Huixin employees receive extensive training on safety precautions, emergency evacuation procedures, identified hazards and necessary personal protective equipment instructions. All visitors are informed of the necessary safety protocols and procedures during their visit.